Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Genomics. Genetics. DNA. These terms have become part of everyday conversation. Given how common these terms have become, you may be surprised to learn how often they are misunderstood, mistrusted, and misused. A recent search on Google of the question “How do I know GMOs are safe for my kids?” —…
Check out our entire series explaining the science involved in the coronavirus pandemic. Sign up to receive our coronavirus update each week. For months, public health guidance was clear: if you don't have to go out, don't. The goal was to slow the spread of coronavirus and "flatten the…
Check out our entire series explaining the science involved in the coronavirus pandemic. Sign up to receive our coronavirus update each week. Everybody’s got a lot of questions: Is it safe to go back to school? How about the skate park? My friend’s basement? In this article, we’re going…