What is NCSE's address? Our address is: National Center for Science Education 230 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 Oakland, CA 94610 How do I change my address? Contact Donor Services at donor-services@ncse.ngo or leave a general message at (510) 601-7203. How do I update my email address? Contact Donor Services at donor-services@ncse.ngo or leave a general message at (510) 601-7203. What is a Sustainer? As a sustainer, you will make a recurring monthly or annual contribution to NCSE. Each month, or once a year, NCSE will submit the charge for the designated amount that you have chosen. Your contributions will provide NCSE with consistent funds throughout the year to support our work. At the beginning of each calendar year, we will send you an annual statement of your contributions. How do I become a Sustainer? To set up a recurring donation, go to the Donate page on the NCSE website, select whether you are donating Monthly or Yearly, then choose the amount of your gift. What payment methods are available for a recurring donation? You may use any of the following payment methods for your recurring donation: Credit Card, Bank Transfer, PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay. How can I find out when the payment method for my recurring donation expires? We will email you when the credit card you use to make recurring donations is about to expire, has expired, or the transaction is declined. We will also email you with notifications about transaction-related issues for non-credit card payment methods. If you wish to make changes to your payment method or recurring donation, please contact NCSE by emailing donor-services@ncse.ngo. Can I make my recurring donations as a sustainer through an IRA QCD contribution? If you make recurring donations as a sustainer and wish to switch your payments to an IRA QCD contribution, please contact Donor Services at donor-services@ncse.ngo or call 510-601-7203. How do I suspend or cancel my sustaining donation? To suspend or cancel your sustaining donation, contact NCSE by emailing donor-services@ncse.ngo or calling us at (510) 601-7203 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. PDT/PST. How do I make changes to the payment information for my recurring donation? Updates to existing payments for recurring donations cannot be made using the NCSE website. To make changes to your recurring payment information (cancel or pause donation, update payment method on file, update amount or frequency) you must contact NCSE. Updating information using the website without notifying us may result in duplicate charges to your account. Please email donor-services@ncse.ngo with a phone number to reach you and a good time for us to call you, or simply call (510) 601-7203 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. PDT/PST. Is my NCSE donation tax deductible? How can I get a donation receipt for tax purposes? Yes, since NCSE is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Email donor-services@ncse.ngo to request a copy of your contribution receipt. Upon request, we will mail you an annual statement of your contributions. My workplace participates in a matching gift program. How do I begin the process of having my gift matched by my employer? Please follow the instructions on the Employer Matching Gifts page. How can I give a gift of stock? Please fill out the Stock Gift Form available on the Give A Gift of Stock page. How can I include NCSE in my will or living trust? You can learn more about NCSE’s Legacy Society here. I'm having problems making a donation through the website. If you are experiencing problems using our donation page, please contact Donor Services at donor-services@ncse.ngo or call (510) 601-7203 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. PDT/PST. Why didn't I receive my REPORTS (print newsletter) issue in the mail this month? We'd be happy to look up your record to check that for you. Please call Donor Services at (510) 601-7203 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. PDT/PST or email donor-services@ncse.ngo. I am trying to reduce my paper waste. How do I opt out of receiving printed materials? Is it possible to receive email-only notifications? Please email your request to donor-services@ncse.ngo. What is NCSE's Tax ID (EIN) number? NCSE’s Tax ID is 11-2656357. If you have questions about your membership or would like to join, please contact us by phone, email or mail. CONTACT DONOR SERVICES: Email: donor-services@ncse.ngo Phone: (510) 601-7203 Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. - 4:45 p.m.PDT/PST Mail: NCSE Donor Services 230 Grand Avenue, Suite 101 Oakland, CA 94610