Science Is Constantly Evolving

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The distinguished paleoanthropologist Alan Walker died on November 20, 2017, at the age of 79, according to a November 21, 2017, Facebook post from his wife Pat Shipman. A specialist in primate and human evolution, concentrating mainly on the Neogene record from East Africa, Walker was a…
NCSEteach is a unique resource for science teachers. The monthly NCSEteach newsletter goes out to over 6,000 teachers nationwide and the Scientist in the Classroom program fosters collaborations between professional scientists and educators. This year, three teachers were awarded a rafting trip…
Kenneth R. Miller, president of NCSE's board of directors and professor of biology at Brown University, features in a ten-minute documentary about current threats to evolution education, produced by Retro Report and hosted at The New York Times. Also appearing is activist Zack Kopplin, a…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of James T. Costa's Darwin's Backyard: How Small Experiments Led to a Big Theory (W. W. Norton, 2017). The preview consists of the preface, in which Costa explains his goal to describe "how we can draw upon Darwin in exploring nature and…
2017 has been a great year for the Science Booster Club Program. Thanks to the support of our donors, the efforts of our volunteers, and the enthusiasm of our staff, we’ve succeeded in our national expansion. From serving over 50,000 people in Iowa in 2016, we’re scheduled to serve over 120,000…
NCSE is pleased to congratulate Bertha Vazquez on receiving the Evolution Education Award for 2017 from the National Association of Biology Teachers. Vazquez received the award at the NABT's recent conference in St. Louis, Missouri.The NABT award, sponsored by BEACON and BSCS, "recognizes…
The National Center for Science Education works to ensure that every student gets the science education they need to become informed and engaged citizens when they grow up. We help teachers cover evolution and climate change accurately and completely, especially in communities where the topics are…
My advice of the day? Never pass up a chance to hang out with science teachers! The occasion was the 2017 awards luncheon of the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA). The National Center for Science Education was being honored with the 2017 Distinguished Contributions Award, for our…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Antony Alumkal's Paranoid Science: The Christian Right's War on Reality (New York University Press, 2017). The preview consists of chapter 4, "Seeing Red Over Green Evangelicals: The Crusade against Environmentalism," which discusses the…