A preview of Paranoid Science

Paranoid Science coverNCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Antony Alumkal's Paranoid Science: The Christian Right's War on Reality (New York University Press, 2017). The preview consists of chapter 4, "Seeing Red Over Green Evangelicals: The Crusade against Environmentalism," which discusses the development of "the contemporary evangelical anti-environmental movement," "the 'champion' of paranoia among Christian Right movements challenging science."

"Paranoid Science is a reliable and insightful guide to the fever swamps of evangelical science denial. A gripping, disturbing, and important contribution," wrote NCSE's deputy director Glenn Branch, while Publishers Weekly praised its "rich, nuanced, and detailed view of mid-20th-century American evangelicalism’s right-wing political expression and its often dangerous impact on science in the service of the common good."