In a new exciting venture with several partners, I have come to greatly appreciate the many science-based resources for teachers housed at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).NOAA is a trusted source of accurate and useful data. When you think of NOAA, your first…
The opportunity to directly engage with people in Iowa about climate change and evolution just got a whole lot easier with a $270,000 three-year grant from the Carver Charitable Trust.The great success of the Science Booster Club Program and the new grant are strong testaments to the power of…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Peter S. Ungar's Evolution's Bite: A Story of Teeth, Diet, and Human Origins (Princeton University Press, 2017). The preview consists of the introduction, which explains, "We hold in our mouths the legacy of our evolution," and chapter 6, "…
Public opinion about climate change was reviewed in the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators (PDF) 2018."Americans are divided on the severity and cause of climate change but concern has returned to previous highs," the report summarized, citing:More than 6 in 10…
Public opinion about evolution was reviewed in the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators (PDF) 2018.In the 2016 General Social Survey, respondents were asked whether "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals" was true or false;…
Darwin Day resolutions have been again introduced in both houses of Congress, according to a January 18, 2018, press release from the American Humanist Association. The resolutions — House Resolution 699 and Senate Resolution 374 — would, if passed, express support of designating…
NCSE's Ann Reid and Brad Hoge were among the science educators and leaders in California asked by EdSource (January 11, 2018) what they'd like to see happen in the world of science education in 2018, as the state enters the final stages of implementing the Next Generation Science Standards.Reid…
It's time to dust off your Darwin costume again: less than a month remains before Darwin Day 2018! Colleges and universities, schools, libraries, museums, churches, civic groups, and just plain folks across the country — and the world — are preparing to celebrate Darwin Day, on or around February…
Richard B. Hoppe III, a psychologist and pro-evolution education activist, died on January 3, 2018, at the age of 76, according to a notice from Kenyon College. The notice quoted a colleague who described him as "a problem-solver, a person of deep intellectual curiosity in a variety of areas, and…