A pair of fierce, angry eyes followed me as I moved toward the exit of the conference room. I had just delivered a talk about climate change standards in education at a meeting of the Geological Society of America. The presentation was received well enough, though I’m not sure everyone in the…
Let it be known that I love, love, love Tobin Grant’s work at Religion News Service. The political scientist at Southern Illinois University examines the role of religion in politics (and vice versa) using beautiful and informative data visualizations. I’m particularly enamored of this graphic,…
In previous installments, my friend Corwin Sullivan of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) in Beijing, China and I covered the basics about everybody’s new favorite batwinged dino-pigeon Yi qi. In Part 1, we discussed what’s so special about it, and in…
In Part 1, I introduced you to my friend Corwin Sullivan of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) in Beijing, China, co-describer of the enigmatic Yi qi fossil that hit the media last week. Yi qi—the name means, roughly, “strange wing”—is a close…
I don’t want to be morbid, so blame Dan Coleman, who, commenting on part 1 of “Darwin’s Pallbearers,” asked, “Will you also include the anthem that was specially commissioned and written for his funeral?” Well, okay. In the account of Darwin’s April 26, 1882, funeral that appeared in the …
To say that Freeman Dyson is a highly respected scientist is an understatement. Over his 91 years, he has made seminal discoveries in mathematics and physics; written evocatively (and provocatively) on what it means to be a scientist, the role of science in society, and the culture of science;…
When I decided to leave my PhD program in paleontology to pursue other endeavors, one of the reasons was a lab mate named Corwin Sullivan. Not because he was smelly or mean or anything negative—in fact, it was exactly for the opposite reason: Corwin was (and is) awesome. His intense passion for…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of William Rosen's The Third Horseman: Climate Change and the Great Famine of the 14th Century (Viking, 2014). The preview consists of chapter 1, "The Fury of the Northmen," which traces the career of the Vikings from their…
“Climate change is a children’s issue!” This slogan drew me to Sacramento last week for the California PTA (CAPTA) annual meeting. Now, if you are anything like me, you probably think of bake sales when you think of the PTA. So you can imagine that I was a little shocked when I walked into the…