Science Is Constantly Evolving

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"Wading into the Undeniable" (PDF), by NCSE's Stephanie Keep, Ann Reid, and Glenn Branch, was just published in Evolution: Education and Outreach. The essay criticizes Nicholas Wade's proposal, in his review for The Wall Street Journal of Bill Nye's book Undeniable (…
Not so long ago, while helping to draft a piece for NCSE’s regular column in Evolution: Education and Outreach, I found myself wanting to invoke a familiar threefold distinction between evolution as fact, evolution as theory, and evolution as path. A modern locus classicus is T…
April 18-25, 2015, is the inaugural Climate Education Week, sponsored by Earth Day Network. To celebrate, the Climate Education Week website is providing K-12 educators with the Climate Education Toolkit — "a free, easy-to-use, ready-to-go resource with everything you need. The Toolkit includes…
I’ve never done anything to Deepak Chopra. At least, not in this lifetime. Perhaps I’ve mocked his surrealistically bizarre anti-science pronouncements among my friends a few times, or a few thousand times. How could I not when he tweeted that his personal meditation caused an earthquake or …
From "Evolutionists do it with increasing complexity" to "Honk if you understand punctuated equilibria," NCSE has long been your go-to place for clever evolution bumper stickers. But now that NCSE is also defending the teaching of climate science, it's time to update the inventory — and it could…
In my line of work, I can’t think of a more contentious issue than energy. We need energy to live and work, but our wanton extraction of energy resources is responsible for some of our greatest environmental, economic, and political problems. When we talk about energy we must address not only…
It's time to sharpen your pencils, cudgel your brains, and consult your muse: NCSE is running a bumper sticker contest! This is your chance to help to spread the word about climate change education. Your brilliant idea could end up on the tail end of thousands of (carbon-dioxide-emitting) cars.…
We asked applicants for the NCSE Grand Canyon Teacher Scholarship to explain, in 500 words, what lessons or knowledge they expected to gain from rafting the Grand Canyon, to enrich their students’, colleagues’, and neighbors’ understanding of evolution, deep time, climate change, and the…
We asked applicants for the NCSE Grand Canyon Teacher Scholarship to explain, in 500 words, how they’ve addressed challenges to the teaching of evolution, climate change, and related issues. Here is part of scholarship winner Alyson Miller’s explanation of her fight to keep evolution in…