Science Is Constantly Evolving

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John Cook A just-launched first-of-its-kind massive open online course on climate change denial, "Making Sense of Climate Science Denial," is already reaching over ten thousand people around the world — and NCSE is represented.  The course material contains interviews with…
Photo by Brian via Flickr When you see the letters “PTA,” what do you think of? Bake sales? School dances? Arguments over whether to sell soda in the lunchroom? What about hot lunches for schoolchildren, early child development initiatives, and education as a fundamental human right? It turns…
If it had been his paternal grandfather, the reason would have been clear: Erasmus Darwin was immensely fat, and reportedly had a semicircle removed from his dinner table to accommodate his belly. If it had been his father, the reason again would have been clear: Robert Darwin was about the size…
We’ve all been there: Thanksgiving dinner with that uncle—the outspoken climate-change-denier (“Please, it was so cold this winter!”); a phone call with an anti-vaxxer friend (“Everyone knows that vaccines contain dangerous chemicals!”); or an attempt to impress by a daughter’s…
Let me admit it: I do not like cells. Or at any rate, I do not like studying cells. I found “little bio” so tedious that in college I invented a major to avoid having too many classes in it. I don’t like little bio because I couldn’t see what was going on. “Um. Have you ever heard of a…
  Hey Friday Flicks Fans, I’m letting my good buddy, friend of NCSE, lover of science, and movie blogger, Max Yip, pick this month’s Friday Flick! Max had a million ideas, but I was able to convince him to select just one video (not a conventional ‘flick’, but definitely worth a watch.)…
I’ve been doing a fair bit of traveling lately, and although generally exhausting, traveling is great for playing podcast catch-up. I had been hopelessly behind on most podcasts, especially Science Friday. But I have been diligently listening away in airports, airplanes, cars and cabs and finally…
A year ago, I had a chance to interview New Yorker staff writer Elizabeth Kolbert about her book The Sixth Extinction. As I said in my review for Reports of NCSE, it’s a remarkable book, thoughtful, deeply-reported, and passionate. I wrote: Throughout this unflinching…
NCSE's deputy director Glenn Branch reviewed Amir D. Aczel's Why Science Does Not Disprove God (William Morrow, 2014) for eSkeptic (April 22, 2015). He was unenthusiastic about the book, particularly on account of its treatment of evolution, although he allowed, "Aczel writes…