Science Is Constantly Evolving

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I have just weighed my copy of William A. Williams’s The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved (1925) on the postal scale in the NCSE office, and it weighs 6.7 ounces. For such a slight volume, it is awfully ambitious. According to the title page, it is designed “(1) As an up-to-…
Do you see it, readers? The steam pouring out of my ears? Picture this. It’s last Sunday night. I’m doing dishes and listening to some podcasts, scrubbing away not exactly merrily, but efficiently and contentedly, when I heard this: “I happen to believe that we should teach ‛intelligent design…
Those were the teeth, by gum, of Parahippus cognatus, a Miocene ancestor of the modern horse. And they’re especially interesting because Parahippus and its descendants were grazers, rather than browsers, specializing in eating grasses. Do you see that in the teeth with their…
A milestone: there are now over 140,000 fans of NCSE's Facebook page. Why not join them, by visiting the page and becoming a fan by clicking on the "Like" box by NCSE's name? You'll receive the latest NCSE news delivered straight to your Facebook Home page, as well as updates on evolution-related…
It’s a fairy tale. But it’s true!   [View the story "The First Kitzmas" on Storify…
A beloved holiday tradition returns. ’Twas the night before Kitzmas and all through the land, No creationist was stirring, not even Ken Ham; The briefs had been drafted and filed with great care, In hopes that Judge Jones’s decision’d be fair; The plaintiffs were nestled all snug in…
A genuinely eclectic collection of articles this week, including mites and pumpkins, historical context from two centuries ago and news from last week, and yet more ways that scientists are studying how humans are affecting our planet and how warming is affecting every ecosystem. You will be…
Richard Blumenthal Senate Resolution 337, introduced in the United States Senate on December 17, 2015, would, if passed, express the Senate's support of designating February 12, 2016, as Darwin Day, and its recognition of "Charles Darwin as a worthy symbol on which to celebrate the achievements…
Nick Matzke's "The Evolution of Antievolution Policies after Kitzmiller v. Dover" (PDF; subscription required), a new paper forthcoming in Science, is receiving plenty of press coverage. As NCSE previously reported, the paper shows that even though creationism is getting stealthier in…