Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Perhaps I begin to sound like a broken phonograph, but I find that chapter 28—“Scientists Condemn Evolution”—of William A. Williams’s The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved (1925) is the gift that keeps on giving. (The phrase, I find, was originally a marketing slogan for a…
Steven Dutch continues his review of James L. Powell’s Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences (2015), which began with part 1. Radiometric dating In the case of geologic dating, geologists crashed headlong into Lord Kelvin, the leading physicist of the…
James L. Powell’s Four Revolutions in the Earth Sciences (2015) is an excellent book that reviews four geoscience revolutions: accurate geologic dating techniques, the theory of plate tectonics, the discovery of an era-ending meteor impact, and the advent of anthropogenic climate change…
Zack Kopplin Writing in The Daily Beast (December 28, 2015), Zack Kopplin reviews the last decade of antievolution strategies — with the assistance of a former employee of the Discovery Institute, the de facto institutional home of "intelligent design" creationism. The Discovery…
This, this is Diplocaulus A lepospondyl amphibian Praise, praise, praise to Ron Pine: He won himself the blue ribbon. Unfortunately, the commenting system here broke over the weekend. (It is being fixed now.) Dan Phelps was the first person to e-mail the correct answer to the NCSE…
The eminent pharmacologist and biochemist Alfred G. Gilman — a member of NCSE's Advisory Council — died on December 23, 2015, at the age of 74, according to The New York Times (December 24, 2015). Gilman and Martin Rodbell were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1994…
Here’s just a few items to keep you busy over the weekend. Best wishes for the holiday season from all of us at NCSE. The North Carolina Town That’s Scared of Solar Panels, Revisited, Vox, December 18, 2015 — Dave Roberts re-examines the town which blocked a solar farm—one worry was reportedly…
Whose snout is this, from Permian days, On your computer is showing? Submit your guess (ten words or less) If you believe you are knowing…
The chorus of support for the teaching of evolution continues, with a statement from the Royal Astronomical Society, adopted in 2011. In its statement, the society expresses (PDF) its support for "the teaching of evolution, geophysics, astronomy and other scientific theories in school…