Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

When I was in my first year of high school, I started a club to promote recycling and beautification within my community. Just three years later, at the age of 17, I sued my state of Pennsylvania for not taking adequate actions to address climate change. All the while, I lived below the poverty…
A few weeks ago, environmentalists everywhere cheered President Obama’s veto of the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have expanded existing pipelines that take oil from Canada to the United States. It’s a symbolic win for those who are concerned about climate change and oppose America’s…
Over the next two weeks the City of Lights will transform into a hub for world leaders as they address climate change at the United Nation’s 21st Conference of Parties (COP21). The results of COP21 could change the way we tackle climate change as a global community—and determine the future of our…
If you’re reading this blog, there is a reasonably good chance that you’ve heard of the YouTube channel MinutePhysics and its sister-channel MinuteEarth. I haven’t done an exhaustive survey, but I have certainly heard from many educators that they enjoy these videos consisting of short, time-…
As the tenth anniversary of the decision in Kitzmiller v. Dover approaches, Americans United for Separation of Church and State commemorated the occasion with "Science Lessons," published in the December 2015 issue of Church & State. After reviewing the ruling, which established…
The Tuesday following Thanksgiving is emerging as Giving Tuesday, a national day of charity and generosity at the beginning of the holiday season. On this Giving Tuesday — December 1, 2015 — please consider supporting NCSE and its important work to defend the integrity of science education by…
In my previous post, I described research by Deborah Kelemen showing that even young children could grasp counterintuitive evolutionary concepts—a finding that suggests that evolution should be taught long before high school. Kelemen’s work suggests that evolution’s counterintuitive nature is one…
The Science Booster Club Project has just funded its first series of teacher grants. Here’s the story of Lee Falkana, the science teacher at an alternative high school in Muscatine, Iowa. He used our grant to buy some basic scientific equipment. You might ask how this helps NCSE impact evolution…
I like the idea of Giving Tuesday—a little, one-day noodge in the middle of the holiday gift-giving spree to think about devoting some of our resources to the causes we hold near and dear. I’ve gotten reminders from many of the organizations I regularly support, and you probably have too. But that…