Faribault: Attorneys representing creationist teacher Rodney LeVake appealed a decision ruling that school administrators had the right to reassign him to a general science class where he would not teach about evolution. NCSE will inform readers of further developments…
According to an August 19, 2000, article in The New York Times, National Heritage Academies, Inc, is among the organizations that have submitted bids to operate schools in New York City under a privatization program. But NCSE has learned that National Heritage Academies is not under consideration…
Kanawha County: A parent has filed a complaint with the Kanawha County Board of Education claiming that science textbooks used there contain `false and fraudulent` information about evolution. The parent and 30 cosigners opposed to evolution assert that the textbooks are in violation of state law…
A national conference on the teaching of evolution, attended by representatives of more than 50 scientific and educational societies, was held in Berkeley, CA, the weekend of October 6-7-8. See the report NCTE on NCSE´s `Teaching Evolution` Resource page.
by Judy Scotchmoor
Setting an historic precedent, representatives from over 45 scientific, educational, and media organizations gathered at the University of California at Berkeley, October 5-8, 2000 to develop strategies for improving public understanding of evolution…