Ooh, have I got a good one for you this week! A personal favorite, actually, and no, it’s not a sloth (sorry, Steve). The first person to guess it gets all the bragging rights…
Have you ever wondered how to address climate change, or even just fossil fuels and energy, with young students? A complex and potentially heated topic, many people have argued that elementary school is too early to talk about these issues. Some teachers might even try to avoid the potential…
Chapter 5 of Hell and the High Schools (1923), T. T. (the initials are for Thomas Theodore) Martin’s unforgettably titled indictment of the teaching of evolution, is “Evolution Repudiated by Great Scientists and Scholars.” It contains, as is usual in creationist books of the Scopes era…
Public opinion about climate change was reviewed in the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators (PDF) 2016. Climate change, according to the NSB's report, "remains a central, and often divisive, environmental issue for the American public." The report…
Public opinion about evolution and the Big Bang was reviewed in the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators (PDF) 2016. In the 2014 General Social Survey, respondents were asked whether "human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals"…
I have so much to do, readers, with work up to my eyeballs. I need to stay on task and to keep focused! And I was attempting to do just that when an e-mail popped into my inbox with the subject “Worst example of evolution misconception.” It was sent by Ralph Bouquet, with whom I worked on the NOVA…
Last week I gave you nothing but a shadow (and an epoch) and asked you to identify the casting fossil. Not at all to my astonishment, many of you got it. What exactly was it? A brachiopod, of course! When my paleo-memory was failing me, I had to describe it to curator Jessica as “one of those…
David Bowie told Vanity Fair in 1998 that his idea of perfect happiness was reading, and he certainly looks happy in the iconic poster from the American Library Association. Go, and do thou likewise. Genetic Flip Helped Organisms Go From One Cell to Many, The New York Times,…