NCSE completes #WhyTeachEvolution campaign on Darwin Day 2020

NCSE's #WhyTeachEvolution campaign, intended to draw attention to the critical importance of teaching evolution in our nation's schools, culminated on Darwin Day — February 12, 2020.

As part of the campaign, NCSE asked scientists, educators, authors, and science fans to write brief essays answering the question "Why teach evolution?"

Writing in The Humanist, NCSE's Glenn Branch explained the campaign, suggesting, "The greater the range ... the greater the reassurance it provides to science teachers."

Posted initially were contributions by:

to which were added contributions by:

and last but not least:

  • Buster, NCSE's Director of Fun

These lively, thoughtful, and deeply-felt essays on the importance of teaching evolution will give you plenty of inspiration in the 365 days until the next Darwin Day — February 12, 2021.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.