A national survey reveals that one in eleven Australians does not believe in evolution — and three in eleven think that humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs. The survey, conducted by Auspoll for the Australian Academy of Science, was intended to assess the level of science literacy in…
NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on-line. The issue — volume 33, number 4 — features Daniel J. Glass's "Talking Animals, Silly Jokes, and Natural Selection," James J. Krupa's "Teaching Evolution for a Future…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Peter M. Hoffmann's Life's Ratchet: How Molecular Machines Extract Order from Chaos (Basic Books, 2012). The preview consists of the greater part of chapter 8, "The Watch and the Ribosome," in which Hoffman asks, "How do molecules evolve?" and…
Elaine Morgan The writer Elaine Morgan, known for her advocacy of the "aquatic ape" hypothesis of human evolution, died on July 12, 2013, at the age of 92, according to the BBC (July 12, 2013). Morgan wrote a series of books advancing and defending her idiosyncratic views on…
The American Geophysical Union held a conference on "Communicating Climate Science: A Historic Look to the Future" — and NCSE was there in force. Held in Granby, Colorado, from June 8 to June 13, 2013, the conference sought to "bring together scholars, social scientists, and journalists to discuss…
A funding application for a summer workshop on evolutionary biology in Turkey was denied because "evolution is a controversial subject," according to Science Insider (July 5, 2013). A group of Turkish ecologist and evolutionary biologists working in Turkey and abroad had sought 35,000 Turkish lira…
NCSE is seeking to hire a new editor for Reports of the National Center for Science Education to replace Andrew J. Petto, who is retiring after more than sixteen years of editing RNCSE. The part-time position involves evaluating the suitability of articles submitted for publication, working with…
Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education in the United Kingdom, "has abandoned plans to drop climate change from the geography national curriculum," reported the Guardian (July 5, 2013). As NCSE previously explained, whereas the existing national curriculum discusses sustainable…
"Five US states have adopted science education standards that recommend introducing two highly charged topics — climate-change science and evolution — into classrooms well before high school," reports Nature (July 3, 2013). Maryland and Vermont became the fourth and fifth states to adopt the Next…