Science Is Constantly Evolving

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"The percentage of Americans who think climate change is occurring has rebounded ... and is at its highest level since 2006," according to a new poll conducted by researchers at Duke University. "Whether in response to extreme weather events like mega-storm Sandy or the improved economy, public…
"Two congressmen, two Christians and two very different views of the man who in 1859 published 'On the Origin of Species,'" writes Mark Oppenheimer in The New York Times (February 1, 2013). The two opposing figures of his article are Rush Holt (D-New Jersey), who introduced a resolution to…
"Four US states are considering new legislation about teaching science in schools, allowing pupils to be taught religious versions of how life on earth developed in what critics say would establish a backdoor way of questioning the theory of evolution," the Guardian (January 13, 2013) summarizes.…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Eugene Byrne and Simon Gurr's Darwin: A Graphic Biography (Smithsonian Books, 2013). The preview consists of pp. 60-75, in which Darwin, returned from his five-year voyage around the world in the Beagle, debates whether to marry, studies…
A new antiscience bill was introduced in the Arizona Senate. A typical instance of the "academic freedom" strategy for undermining the teaching of evolution and climate change, Senate Bill 1213 would, if enacted, call on state and local education administrators to endeavor to "create an…
Rush HoltHouse Resolution 41, introduced in the United States House of Representatives on January 22, 2013, would, if passed, express the House's support of designating February 12, 2013, as Darwin Day, and its recognition of "Charles Darwin as a worthy symbol on which to…
The Revisionaries — Scott Thurman's acclaimed documentary about the controversy over the Texas state board of education's efforts to undermine the scientific and historical integrity of the textbooks used in the state's public schools — is airing on PBS. The documentary focuses on the events of…
"A Los Angeles Superior Court judge ... confirmed an earlier ruling that found Jet Propulsion Laboratory administrators did not discriminate against a longtime staffer when they laid him off in 2011," reports the La Cañada Valley Sun (January 17, 2013). The initial complaint, filed on April 11,…
It's time to dust off your Darwin costume again: less than a month remains before Darwin Day 2013! Colleges and universities, schools, libraries, museums, churches, civic groups, and just plain folks across the country — and the world — are preparing to celebrate Darwin Day, on or around February…