Science Is Constantly Evolving

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And finally the last installment in what proved to be a rather longer essay on Epperson v. Arkansas than I had originally anticipated. In part 1, posted on the forty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision, I related how the state law prohibiting the teaching of evolution was…
NCSE's outgoing executive director Eugenie C. Scott was interviewed for the December 2013 issue of Americans United for Separation of Church and State's magazine Church & State. Scott discussed a variety of issues with Americans United's Rob Boston, including what works and what needs…
"A what?" he said. "An SEP." "An S…?" "…EP." "And what's that?" "Somebody Else's Problem." … "An SEP," he said, "is something that we can't see, or don't see, or our brain doesn't let us see, because we think that it's somebody else's problem. That's what SEP means. Somebody Else's Problem…
Eugenie C. Scott NCSE is pleased to announce the addition of a further batch of videos to NCSE's YouTube channel. Especially noteworthy are Eugenie C. Scott speaking on "Legends, Hoaxes, Frauds, and Frauds of Science" at the SkeptiCal conference in 2013, Joshua Rosenau speaking…
H. L. Mencken once wrote, “There is always a well-known solution to every human problem—neat, plausible, and wrong.” (William Dembski mangles the quotation in The Design Revolution [2004], as Jeffrey Shallit observed.) When it comes to the problem of creationism, the solution that meets…
About eleven miles past the launch point to the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, boats just beginning their voyage down the turbulent, vermillion river often pull over to the left bank to examine a bedroom-sized slab of pale sandstone. This block of the Coconino Sandstone long ago detached from…
Those of us who live and breathe climate and energy issues know the answer to typical pop quiz questions like, "What's the nation most responsible for climate change?" Well, the largest emitter of carbon into the atmosphere is currently China, but historically the United States is responsible…
The saga continues! In part 1, posted on the forty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Epperson v. Arkansas, I related how the state law prohibiting the teaching of evolution was enacted in the first place. In part 2, I discussed how the Arkansas Education Association…
Photo Credit: Cayusa via Compfight cc   This past week on Fossil Friday, I gave you a turkey of a fossil. Or a turkey-like fossil.  Or what the UC Museum of Paleontology calls a "extremely bird-like" fossil.   So who was it? Compsognathus longipes…