Videos, videos, videos

Eugenie C. ScottEugenie C. Scott

NCSE is pleased to announce the addition of a further batch of videos to NCSE's YouTube channel. Especially noteworthy are Eugenie C. Scott speaking on "Legends, Hoaxes, Frauds, and Frauds of Science" at the SkeptiCal conference in 2013, Joshua Rosenau speaking on "Science Denial, Science Education, and Social Justice" at Santa Clara University in 2013, and exclusive footage of testimony on science textbooks before the Texas state board of education in September 2013 and in November 2013. Also featured are Scott discussing her impending retirement on The Infidel, a video produced to commemorate Scott's induction into the Independent Investigation Group's Houdini Hall of Honor, and a panel discussion on K-12 science education, including Scott, held as part of the Arthur M. Sackler colloquium The NAS at 150: Celebrating Service to the Nation, all from 2013. Tune in and enjoy!