Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Photo Credit: Kaysse via Compfight cc This past week I gave you a polished fossil to figure out. What was it and where was it from? You immediately came back with Archaeocyathids from the Cambrian period, and I might agree ... EXCEPT! My sources at the…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Henry Gee's The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution (University of Chicago Press, 2013). The preview consists of chapter 2, "All about Evolution," in which Gee introduces natural selection ("All it requires to work…
Why are people creationists? Like most of my colleagues at NCSE, I get that question a lot. Chris Mooney recently summarized some of the psychological research relevant to that question in a recent post at Mother Jones. “Our brains,” he writes, “are a stunning product of evolution; and…
In Douglas Adams’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, civilizations on two different planets—because of a fundamental miscommunication—fought for thousands of years, destroying their entire galaxy. When they finally realized that the whole thing had been a ghastly mistake…
After all the turkey, stuffing, and sweet potatoes last week, I'm a little out of sorts, not as polished as I normally am. The solution? Presenting the most polished fossil I could find! Polished, indeed, but what organism—or organisms—left this pattern behind?  What period did it…
NCSE is pleased to announce the second of a new series of on-line workshops aimed at broadening and deepening the networks that make our work possible. The workshop focuses on lobbying policymakers — legislators, members of state boards of education, members of local school boards, and the like…
It’s never certain what the response to a blog post will look like, of course; I understand that. When I wrote “Falsifia-behe-lity,” I didn’t anticipate that commenters, especially those on NCSE’s Facebook page, would be particularly interested in making NSFW conjectures about the…
So I’m skimming through the latest issue of the Institute for Creation Research’s monthly publication, Acts & Facts, chuckling over the convoluted treatment of ice ages (short story: they’re real, only the advances and contractions of the four Northern Hemispheric glaciers were…
Look out kid Don’t matter what you did Walk on your tiptoes Don’t try “No-Doz” Better stay away from those That carry around a fire hose Keep a clean nose Watch the plain clothes You don’t need a weatherman To know which way the wind blows -Bob Dylan, “Subterranean Homesick Blues” I learned…