In “Whence Fact, Theory, and Path?” I was talking about what I described as “a familiar threefold distinction between evolution as fact, evolution as theory, and evolution as path.” It’s a current distinction, with its modern locus classicus T. Ryan Gregory’s “Evolution as Fact, Theory…
"[T]he entire west coast" of Canada is "moving away from creationism," reports the Vancouver Observer (July 23, 2015). The article noted that James Lunney, a Member of Parliament representing a federal electoral district in British Columbia, quit the Conservative Party earlier in 2015…
A milestone: there are now over 110,000 fans of NCSE's Facebook page. Why not join them, by visiting the page and becoming a fan by clicking on the "Like" box by NCSE's name? You'll receive the latest NCSE news delivered straight to your Facebook Home page, as well as updates on evolution-related…
We returned last week to Germany’s stunning Jurassic Solnhofen limestone. I gave you the somewhat useless hint that I wouldn’t ever eat one of these creatures, let alone their extant relatives. The reason? I do not eat invertebrates. I find them downright terrifying when they are dead and being…
We returned last week to Germany’s stunning Jurassic Solnhofen limestone. I gave you the somewhat useless hint that I wouldn’t ever eat one of these creatures, let alone their extant relatives. The reason? I do not eat invertebrates. I find them downright terrifying when they are dead and being…
We’re going back to the Solnhofen this week because I just can’t help bringing you another example of how breathtakingly gorgeous these specimens are. I mean…just look at it! The details! These are 155-million-year old details, people! Nature is amazing. But what is it? I’ll give you a hint that…
A while back, on Twitter, the wonderful anthropologist/dog-rescuer @Paleophile and I were talking about our favorite xenarthrans. Hers: sloth. Mine: pink fairy armadillo and two-toed sloth (tie). Then I said: Can we also talk about how [X]enarthra would be the perfect clade if the pangolin was a…
Will Saletan has an amazing, thoughtful, and compelling essay on Slate, exploring the hypocrisy and science denial of certain GMO opponents. Connoisseurs of science denial will recognize many of the tactics he documents, from misuse of statistics and personal attacks on scientists, to imputations…
Prompted by his unlikely appearance, bragging of his youthful exploits eating oysters, in Jason Fagone’s Horsemen of the Esophagus (2006), a book on competitive eating that I happened to be reading, I’m discussing Adrian Duplantier (1929–2007), in particular his role in the legal…