Science Is Constantly Evolving

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What follows is a response from Daniel Duzdevich, author of Darwin's On the Origin of Species: A Modern Rendition, to Michael Ruse’s review of his book in Reports of the National Center of Science Education. As a fitting close to Darwin week, we thought you might be interested in…
This week in "What We're Reading", a special treat—NCSE's very own original, peer-reviewed article in Science magazine. Also, depression, anxiety, dinosaur sex, and the latest on "what did fossil fuel companies know, and when did they know it?" Enjoy! Climate Confusion Among U.S.…
Happy Darwin Day, everyone! To celebrate, I bring you this photograph: You’ll say two things right away: 1) this is not a fossil, 2) this is very clearly one of Darwin’s finches. And you’re right on both counts! But since I didn’t have any photos of fossil barnacles handy, this seemed like an…
A month or so back, NCSE got an e-mail from John Pollock asking if we'd be interested in reviewing his new app, and it somehow ended up in my lap. Now, I’m not really an app person, but this app was right up my alley: The Darwin Synthetic Interview. Basically, Pollock and his colleagues have…
A milestone: there are now over 150,000 fans of NCSE's Facebook page. Why not join them, by visiting the page and becoming a fan by clicking on the "Like" box by NCSE's name? You'll receive the latest NCSE news delivered straight to your Facebook Home page, as well as updates on evolution-related…
How is climate change being taught in America's public schools? The answers may shock you. How is climate change being taught in American schools? Is it being taught at all? And how are teachers addressing climate change denial in their classrooms, schools, and school districts…
The first nationwide survey of climate change education in the United States, conducted by researchers at NCSE and Pennsylvania State University, was described in "Climate Confusion Among U.S. Teachers," published (PDF) in the February 12, 2016, issue of the journal Science. Based…
John Tyndall (right; 1820–1893), is, of course, the Anglo-Irish physicist remembered for demonstrating the greenhouse effect. But he was also a supporter of Darwin, and a member, along with his friend Thomas Henry Huxley, of the x Club, which promoted evolutionary ideas, opposed…
What do you do when you learn that an ally is a science denier? This is the fascinating problem our team faced last week, as we prepared for our “Corridor to the Stars” fundraiser. Claire Tucci, the UIowa graduate student who organized the event, came with me to visit the observatory for the first…