Seven in ten Americans think that global warming is happening, and slightly over half think that, if it is happening, it is mostly owing to human activity, but only about one in ten know that nearly all climate scientists agree that global warming is happening as a result of human activity…
The scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind. — Mark A. Noll, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (1994) Time was, Bill Dembski was among the leading voices for “intelligent design.” His books provided the mathematicotheological Jello on which…
A favorite passage of the Islamic creationist enterprise that publishes under the name Harun Yahya is taken from “The Origin of Life on Earth,” by the chemist and origin-of-life researcher Leslie Orgel (right; 1927–2007), which appeared in Scientific American in 1994. There Orgel wrote…
In Part 1, we learned about the discovery of crazy toxic newts and their crazy-toxin-resistant prey. I also outlined the basic premise of the “arms race” between the rough skinned newts and garter snakes, explaining how increased toxicity provides selection for increased resistance, which provides…
While a bunch of NCSE staff members are rafting down the majestic Colorado River and another is making his way to Washington DC for the National Education Association’s annual meeting and others are, presumably, moping Cinderella-fashion at home, we offer the following links for you to beguile…
The sun has set on "Fossil Friday", but it is rising on a new type of historical dig on our blog. A virtual scavenger hunt if you will. Working on the transition to our new website, I got to take a deep dive into NCSE’s dark internet archives – and wowie kazowie there is a lot there! I was…
The other day I was waiting at a bus stop in downtown L.A. during a scorching heat wave, when a young man sat down next to me and wiped the sweat from his brow. Noticing my own sweating, I turned to him and said, “This is gross; climate change is too real, man.” He chuckled, nodded, and told me…
David Baum, a biologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, corresponded with NCSE staff about a challenge he and his colleagues faced. He shared this account of his experience trying to publish research which, in part, attempted to put certain creationist claims to the test. Why…
NCSE is pleased to announce the addition of Ann Reid's talk "Science Class is for Science, Right? Think Again," delivered at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, on March 31, 2016, to NCSE's YouTube channel. It's just one of the latest of hundreds of videos…