Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

It appears I’m in the mood for classics lately…or maybe it’s the researchers who are? I recently took to the blog to discuss the discovery of the jumping gene mutation responsible for turning white peppered moths black. Right on its heels has come another insight into the mutations responsible for…
A strange feature of Frank E. Allen’s Evolution in the Balances (1926), which I have discussed here at the Science League of America before (here and here), is the clash in the introduction of a discussion of the meaning of “evolution” with a passage from the chief justice of the Ohio…
Our fellow exhibitors at the Linn County Fair were busy setting up their booths.  As I set out our boxes, one of my interns approached me. “Where have you brought us?” she demanded in a whisper, a wild look in her eyes. I looked around. Our booth was conveniently sandwiched between not one…
Here at NCSE, we talk a lot about the people who reject climate change science, how they are threatening science education, and what we can do to ensure teachers have the support they need to teach the science. What we don’t always discuss is why people reject climate change…
Last week it was Happy Father's Day! This week, it's happy Full Moon Solstice! Find out just how rare it is that there's a full moon on the longest day of the year below. We've also got some politics, some scary clams, and—wait for it—hobbits. Quite a week. Bill Would Establish Climate Change…
Well folks, this will be the last Fossil Friday for a while. Next week we will be debuting a new feature in its place. This isn’t because we don’t love fossils—we do!—nor is it because we have grown tired of Dan Coleman and Dan Phelps’ Fossil Friday dominance. Rather, it is because we felt a…
Only 1 in 5 people in North America live in a place where they can see the Milky Way. That’s the staggering finding of a new paper in Science Advances, in which the authors painstakingly matched satellite images with ground measurements of light pollution around the world. Generally,…
Senate Bill 3074, introduced in the U. S. Senate on June 16, 2016, would, if enacted, authorize the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a climate change education program. Observing that "the evidence for human-induced climate change is overwhelming and undeniable," the…
When I was discussing the origin of the claim that “we may well suppose” occurs eight hundred times in Darwin’s two principal works a while back, I obtained a copy of Frank Allen’s Evolution in the Balances (1926), because David N. Livingstone, in his Darwin’s Forgotten Defenders…