In “Evolution—A False Philosophy,” a pamphlet published sometime in the 1930s by William Bell Riley (1861–1947), the Baptist preacher who was as responsible for the flourishing of the antievolution crusade of the 1920s as anyone, there appears a spurious quotation attributed to Darwin. Riley is…
NCSE's executive director Ann Reid was featured in Scientific American's report "Trump's First 100 Days: Science Education and Schools" (December 5, 2016).After noting the existence of evolution and climate change denial among members of the incoming administration, the report observed, "…
A milestone: there are now over 180,000 fans of NCSE's Facebook page. Why not join them, by visiting the page and becoming a fan by clicking on the "Like" box by NCSE's name? You'll receive the latest NCSE news delivered straight to your Facebook Home page, as well as updates on evolution-related…
NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on-line. The issue — volume 36, number 4 — is the fourth issue in the newsletter's new, streamlined, and full-color format.Featured are not one but two articles…
Giving Tuesday is a designated time to remember the causes you hold dear while you’re doing your holiday shopping. This year, I hope you’ll consider putting a little something in NCSE ‘s stocking.Why give to NCSE?I’ll give you two reasons:1. Because what NCSE does is really important; and 2.…
The Tuesday following Thanksgiving is emerging as Giving Tuesday, a national day of charity and generosity at the beginning of the holiday season. On this Giving Tuesday — November 29, 2016 — please consider supporting NCSE and its important work to defend the integrity of science education by…
We’ve been up to some fun stuff as usual over here in Iowa, but on Giving Tuesday it seemed appropriate to consider what has allowed the Science Booster Club project to grow so big and do so much.In 2016, we’ve reached out to over 54,000 people in Iowa on topics like evolution and…
NCSE's executive director Ann Reid was interviewed by Tania Lombrozo for NPR's 13.7 Cosmos and Culture blog (November 21, 2016) about the implications of a Trump presidency for climate change education.Although the federal government is not directly involved in curriculum and instruction, Reid…
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, with T. T. Martin’s unforgettably titled Hell and the High Schools (1923). In chapter 2—“What Is Evolution?”—Martin invites the reader to:Hear a Professor of Chicago University [sic], that slaughter-house of faith, where they do as the old…