Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Insanity, someone once observed, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And yet creationists, climate change deniers, and their fellow travelers propose the same old bills (with a new coat of paint) year after year attacking evolution and climate change education…
If you spend any time looking through creationist literature, you will become accustomed to lists of scientists who supposedly reject evolution, doubt Darwin, and the like, although the exact complement of the lists changes over time, of course. A famous example is from Luther Tracy Townsend’s…
NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of The Grand Canyon, Monument to an Ancient Earth: Can Noah's Flood Explain the Grand Canyon, edited by Carol Hill, Gregg Davidson, Tim Helble, and Wayne Ranney (Kregel Publications, 2016). The preview consists of the foreword, by Wayne…
Writing in the Guardian (September 28, 2016), two members of Congress — Mike Honda (D-California, District 17) and Edward J. Markey (D-Massachusetts) — incisively presented the case for their Climate Change Education Act, currently under consideration in both houses of Congress. "…
I have a number of lawyers among my friends and family, so I usually try not to indulge in jokes that broadly impugn the legal profession. (What’s that? Well, if you insist. What’s the difference between a lawyer and a catfish? One is a slimy, scum-sucking, bottom-dwelling scavenger—while the…
For months now, we’ve been telling you about the fun events that NCSE's Science Booster Clubs have been bringing to farmers markets, Halloween haunts, and county fairs. The Booster Clubs have reached more than 50,000 people in the last 18 months. That’s a feel-good story, right? But do these…
NCSE's annual raft trip down the Grand Canyon just returned, and Teacher Scholarship winner Crystal Davis offered to describe her experience on the river with us. Enjoy, and consider donating to the scholarship fund to support future trips like this. I’m deathly terrified of water,…
COPE et al. v. Kansas State Board of Education et al,  the creationist lawsuit seeking to reverse Kansas's 2013 decision to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards on the grounds that the state thereby "establish[ed] and endorse[d] a non-theistic religious worldview," is…
The idiom “take a back seat” means “to be given a less important role,” and it was employed accordingly in 2005 by the headline writer for The New York Times for Cornelia Dean’s article entitled “Evolution Takes a Back Seat in U.S. Classes.” Quoting NCSE’s founding executive director…