Breaking Down Barriers

Supporting Community Engagement and Effective Science Communication

We have discontinued the Breaking Down Barriers program but will continue to make available its web resources. If you have questions, please email us.

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Rising Tides

Test your skills at designing for the effects of sea-level rise!

Warming oceans and melting landlocked ice caused by global climate change may result in rising sea levels. This rise in sea level combined with increased intensity and frequency of storms will produce storm surges that flood subways, highways and homes. In this activity, visitors design and test adaptations to prepare for flooding caused by sea level rise.


These free NCSE lesson sets are Selected-by-CLEAN. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) uses a peer-review process to identify high-quality materials that align with the Climate and Energy Literacy Principles and the Next Generation Science Standards. Click the badge above to learn more.

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