Louisiana Academy of Sciences (1982)

Whereas the stated goal of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences is to encourage research in the sciences and disseminate scientific knowledge, and

Whereas such pursuits are based on the scientific method requiring the testing of hypotheses before their inclusion in the body of scientific knowledge, and

Whereas organic evolution is amenable to repeated observation and testing, and

Whereas the ideas of creation are not amenable to verification by observation and experimentation, and

Whereas the Academy respects and supports the right of people to possess beliefs in creation and other matters that are not encompassed by the subject matter of science,

Therefore be it resolved that the terms "creation science" or "scientific creationism" are artificial and have been used to refer to purported areas of knowledge that do not exist, and

Be it also resolved that the members of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences urge fellow Louisianans, political leaders, and educators to oppose the inclusion in state science programs of the socalled discipline of creation science or other similar ideas which cannot be tested, accepted, or rejected by the scientific method.

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