On June 13, 2001, the US Senate adopted a "Sense of the Senate" amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Authorization bill, S.1, currently under consideration. The resolution (Amendment #799) read: "It is the sense of the Senate that (1) good science education…
Colin Dovichin, a first-year teacher at Lancaster High School, claims he is losing his job because he would not give in to pressure from parents to teach creationism alongside evolution in his science classroom. He also claims that he was attacked as "an atheist". The Lancaster school…
The effort of Rodney LeVake to argue he had free exercise, free speech, and due process rights to teach "evidence against evolution" has failed. The Minnesota Appeals Court on May 8, 2001 supported the summary judgement dismissal decision of the Minnesota District Court of last year.…
Intelligent Design proponent William Dembski and NCSE Executive Director Eugenie C. Scott were interviewed on the WAMU NPR program, the Diane Rehm Show on Wednesday, April 18. Listen to this archived interview online at the Rehm website: http://wamu.org/programs/dr/01/04/18.php…
Dakota County: A parent in School District 196 (Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan) has been trying to donate copies of 2 `intelligent design` books, Darwin on Trial and Darwin’s Black Box, to all of the district’s secondary school media centers. The donations were rejected by district media specialists…
Silver City: A high school `Creation Club` is being formed to counter evolution being taught in science classes. Students have been distributing creationist literature on campus. Such clubs are permitted under the Equal Access Act, with certain restrictions, including that the club be entirely…
NCSE Director Dr. Eugenie C. Scott appeared at a science and religion conference in June, 2000, sponsored by the Berkeley-based Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. Proceedings of this conference are now available through audio and video online. See and hear Scott as well as young earth…
Faribault: Attorneys representing creationist teacher Rodney LeVake appealed a decision ruling that school administrators had the right to reassign him to a general science class where he would not teach about evolution. NCSE will inform readers of further developments…
According to an August 19, 2000, article in The New York Times, National Heritage Academies, Inc, is among the organizations that have submitted bids to operate schools in New York City under a privatization program. But NCSE has learned that National Heritage Academies is not under consideration…