Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Featured in the November 2006 issue of National Geographic and on the magazine's website is "A fin is a limb is a wing," by Carl Zimmer (author of Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea) and illustrated with photographs by Rosamond Purcell. "Today biologists are beginning to…
The October 2006 issue of The Lutheran, the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is devoted to the relationship between evolution and religion. Included is a detailed interview with Judge John E. Jones III, the judge who ruled against the constitutionality of teaching…
The American Society for Microbiology -- the world's largest scientific society of individuals interested in the microbiological sciences, with over 43,000 members in the United States and abroad -- recently issued a strong policy statement discussing the scientific basis for evolution. Taking…
NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott discussed the new book Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design is Wrong for Our Schools, which she coedited with NCSE's deputy director Glenn Branch, with Church and State, the monthly journal of Americans United for…
Back in 2004, the American Institute of Biological Sciences and the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study organized a well-attended and well-received two-day symposium on evolutionary science and society at the annual meeting of the National Association of Biology Teachers. In 2005, the proceedings…
NCSE's Nick Matzke is among nine people profiled under the rubric "Revolutionary Minds" in the November 2006 issue of Seed magazine, now available at newsstands. "At a time when intelligent-design rhetoric has persuaded some public schools to include the philosophy in their science…
"A smart battle against intelligent design" appears in the fall 2006 issue of Paradigm Magazine, published by the Whitehead Institute for Biological Research, a leading biomedical research and educational organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Despite the victory in Kitzmiller v.…
In his October 1, 2006, column in the Washington Post, Paul A. Hanle argued, "By teaching intelligent design or other variants of creationism in science classes at public schools -- or by undercutting the credibility of evolution -- we are greatly diminishing our chances for future…
The New York Academy of Sciences presented a two-day conference on "Teaching evolution and the nature of science" in April 2006, aimed at answering such questions as: What are the basic tenets of the concept of evolution and how does understanding evolution play an essential role in comprehending…