Last week on Fossil Friday, I presented some not-so-tiny toes with some pretty big hints. I said that the fossil was found in what is now Utah, and it dates back to the Jurassic. There was a lot of debate in the comments section, including a discussion of dinosaur gang colors (I don't…
With Cosmos’ thirteenth episode, “Unafraid of the Dark,” Neil deGrasse Tyson brings to conclusion his extraordinary re-imagining of Carl Sagan’s groundbreaking series. Tyson’s brilliant presentations, rich in detail while always clear and comprehensible, have done a great service to the…
Joe Romm at ThinkProgress has a good post entitled, “Words Matter When Talking About Global Warming: The ‘Good Anthropocene’ Debate”. Taking a nod from Orwell, who more than any other writer demonstrated how language can be a weapon and a tool of social control, Romm explored how the euphemism…
This week on the Fossil Friday. I answer a special request from last week’s winner, Gerald Wilgus. Gerald thought we’ve had too many invertebrates lately, and maybe we should throw the vertebrate people a bone—no pun intended! So this week, I bring you some not-so-tiny toes! These…
There are probably better motivations for reading William Jennings Bryan’s In His Image (1922) than wanting to avoid unpacking boxes, but needs must when the devil drives. The book contains Bryan’s James Sprunt Lectures, delivered in 1921 at the Union Theological Seminary in Richmond,…
The British government recently clarified and extended its ban on teaching creationism in academies, according to a June 18, 2014, press release from the British Humanist Association, which congratulated the government "on its robust stand on this issue." Academies, including free schools…
This post was written by Stephanie Keep and Peter Hess. When comforting our children at the doctor’s office after a shot, we can say, “I know it hurts, but it’s better than getting sick.” Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who don’t feel the same way. California has just…
The Discovery Institute’s Evolution News and Views blog was recently pleased that there are now five hundred reviews on for Stephen C. Meyer’s screed Darwin’s Doubt (2013). I don’t begrudge the anonymous author his or her pleasure. There wasn’t much in the legislative season…
Last week on Fossil Friday, I gave you a fickle footprint fossil to figure out. What could have left those tiny impressions? Turns out it was a prehistoric spider! Wired magazine has the scoop: "These are footprints left behind when a tarantula-size arachnid crawled over the sand of…