Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Photo Credit: PeterThoeny via Compfight cc   Last week on Fossil Friday, I accidentally posted a summer rerun!  No, I wasn't being lazy, I was just forgetful! Blame it on the summer heat! So what was this rerun? If you missed it before, you certainly got it this time.  As…
Photo Credit: via Compfight cc Education comes in many forms, and not always in a formal classroom setting. Sometimes education occurs in museums or parks or aquariums, sometimes in the media, and sometimes in conversations with a wise neighbor who has a strong background in a…
In late 2012, GQ magazine asked Florida’s Senator Marco Rubio, “How old do you think the Earth is?” He answered “4.55 billion years” and no one ever talked about it again. He replied at length, opening by saying, “I’m not a scientist, man,” and then muddled science and theology without…
Sunday the 18th's episode of Cosmos begins with the flood myth (the Babylonian version featuring Gilgamesh, not the gritty reboot with Noah). Thereafter, Neil deGrasse Tyson takes us to the early Earth, asks how the first life arrived on our planet, and speculates about how life might…
This week's fossil is one that everyone should recognize. Though this one dates back to the Miocene, it is a delicacy people still enjoy today, myself included! It may look like a footprint or even a sloth coprolite (that's a fancy word for fossilized poop), but no, it was probably as tasty then…
In part 1, I reported that in 2006, there were eight state Republican parties with antievolution planks embedded in their official platforms, and that in 2014, there were again eight such state Republican parties. In part 2 and part 3, I offered pairwise comparison between the earlier and the…
Recently I was contacted by a Catholic biblical theologian with whom I've been friends since my undergraduate days, who has been invited to give a talk on creation and evolution in an East Coast parish. Knowing that a prominent member of the parish staff is not friendly to evolution, he asked me…
I’m a pretty enthusiastic person. In casual conversation, I don’t shy away from hyperbole and tend to think a lot of things are “the best thing ever.” But truly, truly, getting a position with NCSE, having my very own NCSE avatar? Best. Thing. Ever. This is my first blog post as the…
Recently I was contacted by a theologian friend who had been invited to give a talk on creation and evolution in a Catholic parish. Knowing that a prominent member of the parish staff is not friendly to evolution, he asked me what I would say to a Catholic with a master’s degree in science who…