Science Is Constantly Evolving

Discover the latest in climate change and evolution education news.

Do you live near the ocean? Maybe you will. New research on different factors relating to sea level rise, from increasing understanding the behavior of Antarctic ice sheets to revised global temperature predictions, are coming together to create an increasingly dystopian (and damp) picture…
This past week my e-mail in-box has been filling up with messages about Utah. “Have you seen what’s going on there?” people are asking me. “They are trying to write climate denial into the standards!” If you believe the media (Newsweek, The Salt Lake Tribune, and even my most beloved…
“How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”  —Sherlock Holmes     Recently, a magnificent new hominin fossil was announced: Homo naledi, known from a single chamber in an almost-…
More than three quarters of the American public accepts the reality of global climate change, according to a new poll. In the latest University of Texas at Austin Energy poll (PDF), 76% of respondents agreed that global climate change is occurring, while 14% disagreed and 10% were not sure. The…
NCSE is pleased to congratulate James Hopson and Donald Prothero on their recent awards from the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. At the SVP's recent meeting in Dallas, Texas, Hopson was presented with the A. S. Romer — G. G. Simpson medal, the society's highest award, granted in…
If you follow NCSE, you know that we are big supporters of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Unlike many state science standards that are simply a list of scientific topics, the NGSS challenges students to seek out and evaluate evidence, build scientific arguments, and engineer…
Let’s continue the game of Twenty Questions I started on Friday regarding this strange fossil. Is it a plant? No. Is it an animal? Yes. Is it bigger than a breadbox? This one, no. Some others? You bet. Hat size? No true head. The answer is moot. Is it still alive today? This one, no. Some…
Here are some of the stories that caught NCSE’s eye this week. Feel free to share articles that crossed your screen in the comment section, or e-mail us directly during the week with things that caught your eye. We’ll add the best to our weekly posts. When It Rains, It Pours: Historic Drought…
The National Center for Science Education is pleased to accept applications for its second class of Grand Canyon Teacher Scholars. Lucky teachers will be given an all-expenses-paid seat on NCSE's annual Grand Canyon expedition, an eight-day voyage through some of the world's greatest geological…