Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Summer looks different this year. A number of families will follow health guidelines and choose not to go on vacation or even to a public pool. Students who typically spend all year looking forward to summer vacation may now find themselves enduring another stretch of isolation—and perhaps boredom…
Check out our entire series explaining the science involved in the coronavirus pandemic. Sign up to receive our coronavirus update each week. To follow along with this article, you’re going to need a set of Pick-Up Sticks. Or, in a pinch, a bunch of toothpicks or bamboo skewers. (One…
Dear Friends, Today, in all corners of our nation, attention has been focused on a long-standing problem that pervades all of American society, including its educational and scientific institutions — the problem of embedded, structural racism. Our nation is gripped by protests against the latest…
Genomics. Genetics. DNA. These terms have become part of everyday conversation. Given how common these terms have become, you may be surprised to learn how often they are misunderstood, mistrusted, and misused. A recent search on Google of the question “How do I know GMOs are safe for my kids?” —…