Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Maybe it’s just me, but lately I’m having trouble telling if normal news pieces are from The Onion. Consider these koan-like headlines about the new Noah movie: Conservative Christians Criticize Russell Crowe’s ‘Noah’ Film as ‘Historically Inaccurate’ The Ark: Could Noah’s…
Brian Alters Brian Alters, president of NCSE's board of directors, was profiled in the Orange County Register (April 1, 2014). The article described how Alters's twin interests in Charles Darwin and Walt Disney now intersect in his popular class "Pursuit of Happiness:…
The website of the magazine First Things recently featured a response by Stephen H. Webb, one of the magazine’s columnists, to Stephen Meredith’s essay entitled “Looking for God in All the Wrong Places,” which appeared in the February 2014 issue of First Things. (Who would have…
NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on-line. The issue — volume 34, number 2 — features commentary on the Bill Nye-Ken Ham debate from John W. Patterson, Andrew J. Petto, and Steve Watkins, as well as Bernard…
A milestone: there are now over 50,000 fans of NCSE's Facebook page. Why not join them, by visiting the page and becoming a fan by clicking on the "Like" box by NCSE's name? You'll receive the latest NCSE news delivered straight to your Facebook Home page, as well as updates on evolution-related…
We humans are natural storytellers. For tens of thousands of years we have told and retold stories around campfires and in royal chambers and religious gatherings, in genres ranging from song to poetry, from performance to film. Many of the stories significant enough to survive history’s winnowing…
Kenneth R. Miller NCSE is pleased  to congratulate Kenneth R. Miller, who will receive the University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal for 2014. According to a March 30, 2014, press release from the university, the award, established in 1883, is "the oldest and most prestigious…
Photo Credit: mikebaird via Compfight cc Last week I shared a whale of a tale of a fossil...of a whale!  What was that jumble of bones you saw?  Why, it's a baby whale from the very famous "Valley of the Whales", a UNESCO Heritage Site in Egypt. The photo was snapped by my…
Charlie Oredigger, the Montana Tech mascot, taking a swing at creationism. In 1999, President Clinton spoke at the commencement at my university. For various reasons, students at both ends of the political spectrum were uncomfortable having him at their commencement, and there were vigorous…