Brian Alters, president of NCSE's board of directors, was profiled in the Orange County Register (April 1, 2014). The article described how Alters's twin interests in Charles Darwin and Walt Disney now intersect in his popular class "Pursuit of Happiness: Charles Darwin and Walt Disney," in which he "compares and contrasts the lives of Darwin and Disney and delves into the philosophical and scientific question: What is happiness and why do we pursue it? Did we evolve for happiness?" Alters teaches the class at Chapman University, where he is Professor of Education.
The Register's story also summarizes Alters's involvement with the creationism/evolution controversy: "Today, he's director of the Evolution Education Research Center at Chapman and president of the board of directors for the National Center for Science Education, a San Francisco-based organization that advocates for science in the classroom. He is co-author of several books, including 'Defending Evolution in the Classroom.' Before Bill Nye 'the Science Guy' debated creationist Ken Ham, Alters debated Ham at Harvard University in 1999, and he helped Nye prep for his debate with Ham."