Science Is Constantly Evolving

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A couple of weeks ago I was interviewed by the hosts of the NonTheology podcast, and that recording is now online. We spoke for a little over an hour on three topics: the Bill Nye-Ken Ham “debate” (which had taken place two days before), the nature of creationist opposition to evolution education…
Public opinion about climate change was reviewed in the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators (PDF) 2014. Climate change, according to the NSB's report, has "been the subject of widespread polling in recent years, with evidence showing clear shifts in views" (p. 7…
In part 1, I began with Woodrow Wilson’s famous endorsement of evolution, which Winterton Curtis quoted in his unheard testimony in the Scopes trial. Curtis solicited Wilson’s opinion in 1922, because a former student of his, F. E. Dean, lost his job as the superintendent of schools in Fort…
It’s hard to believe that Bob Schadewald would have been 71 today, had he not died much too young in 2000 from cancer. He was on the board of NCSE when I was hired, served as president of the board, and edited our publications. He was a good friend, and I’ve often thought of him over the years,…
The topic is still Noah Berlatsky’s “The Intelligent Design Theory That Inspired Darwin,” published at The Atlantic’s website on February 8, 2014, written with the intention of placing the recent debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham in a broad historical context. In part 1,…
Public opinion about evolution, the Big Bang, and teaching evolution in public schools was reviewed in the National Science Board's Science and Engineering Indicators (PDF) 2014. The 2012 General Social Survey experimented with two versions of true/false questions addressing evolution…
Over at Buzzfeed, Matt Stopera has an interesting post originating from the recent Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate. He asked self-identified creationists at this debate to write a question to “the other side,” and have their picture taken while holding their question. It’s very interesting seeing the…
The Union of Concerned Scientists is running a clever Presidents’ Day contest asking which US president was the most science-friendly. The first round featured pairings between Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter, Abe Lincoln and Dwight Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt and George H. W. Bush, and John F.…
Photo Credit: PeterThoeny via Compfight cc This past week, I gave you a fossil sea creature that looked more like a footprint than anything else!  Who was this little fellow? Why, an oyster, of course: from the Miocene, found in what is now Peru. Think it was as tasty then…