Catalyzing Action

We help individuals and communities resist threats to accurate and effective science education.

Find the latest news on evolution and climate change education in your state.

New Mexico
Opposition to the new state science standards proposed in New Mexico — which omit references to evolution, human responsibility for climate change, and the age of the earth — is coming fast and furious.   As NCSE previously reported, the proposed standards are modeled on the performance…
New Mexico
The new state science standards proposed in New Mexico — which omit references to evolution, human responsibility for climate change, and the age of the earth — are attracting scrutiny and criticism across the state. As NCSE previously reported, the proposed standards are modeled on the…
New Mexico
"New Mexico's Public Education Department unveiled proposed teaching standards ... that critics say would omit references to evolution, rising global temperatures and the age of Earth from the state's science curriculum," reports the Albuquerque Journal (September 16, 2017).…
At its September 8, 2017, meeting, the Nebraska state board of education voted 6-1 to adopt a new set of state science standards (PDF), the Omaha World-Herald (September 8, 2017) reported. The standards, according to the World-Herald, "will introduce climate change in Nebraska high school…
New York
As New York begins its transition to a new set of state science standards that contain climate change, the New York State School Boards Association issued a new report, "When Politics Enters the Classroom: Teaching Climate Change in Schools" (PDF), to prepare school leaders and educators for the…