A video welcome to NCSE

Welcome to NCSE bannerNCSE is pleased to announce a new video welcome, featuring executive director Ann Reid explaining NCSE's mission to defend the integrity of science education against ideological interference. Reid describes the obstacles standing in the way of effective education about evolution and climate change — and the ways in which NCSE is working to help teachers, parents, and communities overcome them. At just a shade over two minutes, it's the ideal way to introduce friends and family to NCSE, so please share it widely! The video can be viewed via NCSE's website or on NCSE's YouTube channel.

Also recently added to NCSE's YouTube channel is Ann Reid's talk "Dealing with Science Denial," delivered at the University of California, San Francisco, on May 3, 2017.  It's just one of the latest of hundreds of videos freely available on the channel, which also features speeches by and interviews with NCSE staff, coverage of hearings before the Texas state board of education, footage from NCSE's regular expedition to the Grand Canyon, archived webinars for science education activists, and much more besides. The channel boasts well over two million viewers. Tune in and enjoy!