Educator Organizations
- National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
- NSTA Position Statement:The Teaching of Evolution
- National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT)
- NABT Statement on Teaching Evolution
Civil and Religious Liberties Groups
- American Civil Liberties Union Organization devoted to defending American civil liberties.
- Americans United for Separaton of Church and State Since 1947, Americans United has worked to protect the constitutional principle of church-state separation, a vital cornerstone of religious liberty.
- People for the American Way Advocates for protecting American democracy, religious and civil liberties.
- The Interfaith Alliance Coalition of religious organizations supporting church and state separation. Oppose creationism as science.
Scientific Organizations
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Teaching Evolution from the Geological Society of America
- Science, Evolution, and Creationism, from the National Academies of Science
- The Panda's Thumb A blog discussing and critiquing all forms of creationism, especially the intelligent design movement.