Texas fails to improve climate change education in social studies

Flag of Texas.

At its November 18, 2022, meeting, the Texas state board of education declined to improve the state social studies standards by adding material about climate change. Instead, as the Texas branch of the American Federation of Teachers reported (November 18, 2022), "The only changes that were considered and adopted were those required to bring the TEKS into compliance with SB 3, the so-called 'anti-critical race theory (CRT)' bill."

When the board was initially considering revisions to the standards to comply with SB 3 during its September 26, 2022, meeting, a proposal to amend the revisions to add two additional references to climate change in the standards for high school world geography studies (specifically to standards 8A and 8B) was defeated shortly before the board voted to end debate, as NCSE previously reported.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.
