RNCSE 35:5 now on-line

NCSE is pleased to announce that the latest issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education is now available on-line. The issue — volume 35, number 5 — contains Anila Asghar, Sarah Bean, Wendi O’Neill, and Brian Alters's "Biological Evolution in Canadian Science Curricula," Michael Buratovich's "Leaving the Fold: Darwin's Doubt and the Evolution of Protein Folds," and Antoine Bret's "Yes, We Were There."  And Randy Moore discusses Frank Robinson, in whose drugstore the idea of the Scopes trial was hatched. 

Plus a host of reviews of books on climate change: Yoram Bauman reviews Gernot Wagner and Martin L. Weitzman's Climate Shock, Jonathan Cole reviews Dana Nuccitelli's Climatology versus Pseudoscience, Cynthia Howell reviews Antoine Bret's The Energy-Climate Continuum, Scott Mandia reviews Robert Henson's The Thinking Person's Guide to Climate Change, Mark McCaffrey reviews Stephen M. Gardiner's A Perfect Moral Storm and Dale Jamieson's Reason in a Dark Time, and Steven Newton reviews Doug MacDougall's Frozen Earth

All of these articles, features, and reviews are freely available in PDF form from http://reports.ncse.com. Members of NCSE will shortly be receiving in the mail the print supplement to Reports 35:5, which, in addition to summaries of the on-line material, contains news from the membership, a regular column in which NCSE staffers offer personal reports on what they've been doing to defend the teaching of evolution, a regular column interviewing NCSE's favorite people, and more besides. (Not a member? Join today!)