Polling climate change at the end of 2016

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A poll conducted by YouGov for The Economist posed (PDF, p. 52) the following question: "On the subject of climate change do you think: (A) The world's climate is changing as a result of human activity; (B) The world's climate is changing but NOT because of human activity; (C) The world's climate is NOT changing" (emphasis in original).

The correct answer, (A), was preferred by 62% of respondents, while (B) was preferred by 28% and (C) by 10%. Demographically, female respondents were more likely to prefer (A) than male respondents, younger respondents were more likely to prefer (A) than older respondents; black and Hispanic respondents were more likely to prefer (A) than white respondents.

Politically, respondents identifying themselves as Democrats were more likely to prefer (A) than independent or Republican respondents; respondents describing themselves as liberals were more likely to prefer (A) than moderate and conservative respondents; and Clinton voters were more likely to prefer (A) than Trump voters.

The poll was conducted December 17-20, 2016, over the web, among 1376 adults in the United States. Respondents were selected from YouGov's panel using sample matching and the sample was weighted based on gender, age, race, education, and 2016 presidential vote. The margin of error for the whole sample is plus/minus 3.3%.