A pair of Climate Literacy Trust Fund bills in Massachusetts

A walkway over marshy grass in Wellfleet, MA.

Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash.

Massachusetts's Senate Bill 391 and the identical House Bill 560 would, if enacted, establish the Interdisciplinary Climate Literacy Trust Fund, which would support interdisciplinary climate education in the state, prioritizing underserved communities and communities that are disproportionately affected by climate change.

The commissioner of elementary and secondary education, in consultation with a new Interdisciplinary Climate Literacy Advisory Council, would be authorized to make expenditures from the fund to develop, purchase, distribute, and implement curricular material; support professional development; provide opportunities to assess and share best practices; and to provide technical support to districts.

The bills are similar to House Bill 4419 and Senate Bill 2668 from 2023-2024, which died when the last day of formal sessions for the legislative session died. Senate Bill 391 was introduced by Jason M. Lewis (D-5th Middlesex) and nine of his colleagues; House Bill 560 was introduced by Mindy Domb (D-3rd Hampshire).

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.
