NCSE's Townley appears on Science Book Club podcast

NCSE Executive Director Amanda L. Townley.

NCSE Executive Director Amanda L. Townley.

NCSE Executive Director Amanda L. Townley discussed NCSE and its work on the Science Book Club podcast (September 15, 2024). After describing her own background and the route that took her to helm NCSE, she explained NCSE's main activities and the continuing need for them with regard to evolution, climate change, and the nature of science. Among NCSE's current projects, she highlighted the My Coast teacher education program (the subject of a short video from NCSE). Among NCSE's past triumphs, she emphasized the Kitzmiller v. Dover case, the 20th anniversary of which is upcoming in 2025. Science Book Club selected NCSE as the beneficiary of its current fundraiser.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.