NCSE's Reid celebrates Epperson in the Los Angeles Times

Ann Reid

Writing in the Los Angeles Times (November 18, 2018), NCSE's executive director Ann Reid celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling in Epperson v. Arkansas overturning bans on teaching evolution — but warned that "teaching evolution is still challenging in many communities in the United States."

"Epperson's efforts in 1968 were heroic," according to Reid. "She risked her job, her reputation and potentially her safety to stand up for the teaching of evolution." Even today, she concluded, "Many dedicated science teachers are willing to work to improve evolution education, but they need the support of all of us who value the integrity of science education, to create a world in which teaching evolution no longer requires heroics."

The Epperson v. Arkansas case is also the subject of Amanda Glaze's "Looking Back with Epperson, Fifty Years Later," recently published in Reports of the NCSE (PDF, pp. 4-6), and a series of four blog posts under the title "Forty-Five Years after Epperson" by NCSE's Glenn Branch posted on NCSE's blog in 2013.