NCSE's Glenn Branch reviews the newest book on the Scopes trial

Photo of Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan during the Scopes Trial in 1925.

Photo of Clarence Darrow (left) and William Jennings Bryan (right) during the Scopes Trial in 1925.

NCSE deputy director Glenn Branch reviewed Brenda Wineapple's new book about the Scopes trial, Keeping the Faith: God, Democracy, and the Trial that Riveted a Nation, for The Humanist (September 4, 2024), following up on his recent review of Gregg Jarrett's The Trial of the Century for Free Inquiry.

"Well-researched, well-paced, and well-written, there is a lot to like about Keeping the Faith," Branch concluded his review. "[A]t a time when attacks on evolution education seem to be sadly resurgent, it is good to be presented with such a spirited chronicle of the fabulous monkey trial of a century ago."

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.