NCSE's Branch comments on creationism in Sweden

After Julia Kronstid was elected as the second deputy speaker of the Swedish parliament on September 26, 2022, Swedish media began to focus on her rejection of evolution in a 2014 interview — and the science editor of Dagens Nyheter, one of the country's largest newspapers, consulted with NCSE's Deputy Director Glenn Branch.

In Dagens Nyheter's story (September 29, 2022), Lars Johan Erkell of the University of Gothenburg sketched the variety of forms of creationism (further itemized in a sidebar relying on NCSE), expressing the most concern about "intelligent design," which he described as "a wolf in sheep's clothing" and as "a theory without a theory, without a method and without results."

NCSE's Branch commented both about the marginal status of creationism in Sweden, where acceptance of evolution is at about 83 percent, and about ways of effectively confronting creationists. Distinguishing between topic and technique rebuttal, he recommended the latter as a way of exposing the bankruptcy of creationist arguments.

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.