NCSE resources from the 2024 National Science Teaching Association conference

Teachers engaging in an activity.

NCSE staff Wendy Johnson and Lin Andrews will present three sessions at the National Science Teaching Association conference in Denver, Colorado, on March 22, 2024. These sessions will give teachers a sneak peek at our exciting new climate change resources. These resources will soon be available on our Classroom Resources page. For now, you can access them via the links below the session descriptions.

Inspiring Hope: Teaching Climate Change to Foster Empowerment (session slides)

Climate change impacts are causing distress and anxiety among young people. Join NCSE and CLEAN to practice and engage with strategies that promote hope and empowerment. Participants will receive free teacher-tested lesson plans, storylines, activities, and other classroom resources.

Climate Solutions Story Short resources folder

Using Authentic Phenomena To Develop Summative Assessments (session slides)

A major aspect of the NGSS is the inclusion of 3D summative assessments. However, developing such assessments is something with which all teachers struggle. Using the National Center for Science Education’s free, high-quality assessments as a model, learn how to use phenomena to create assessments for your own students.

Climate Solutions Story Short resources folder

Example assessments folder

DataWISE: A Tool for Critically Analyzing Data-Based Claims (session slides)

Looking for a new tool to help students accurately evaluate science-related media? Join NCSE to explore DataWISE, a tool that allows students to examine the worth of the media content, inspect data legitimacy, and make sense of graphical analysis, all while evaluating the emotions the media elicits.

Climate Solutions Story Short resources folder

Note: The DataWISE tool is used in Side Quests 3a and 4a.