Media Skills for Science Education Advocates

Robert LuhnLiz CraigErin Heath

    Robert Luhn           Liz Craig                Erin Heath


"Darwin in Danger," screams one headline; "climate change lesson provokes heated response," claims another. When science education comes under attack, how can concerned citizens spread the word through newspapers, TV news, and other media? How can concerned citizens like you ensure that the media gets the story right? How can local networks of science education advocates work with the press to draw in new members and apply pressure to policymakers?

To answer those questions, watch this interactive training led by a panel of media experts who have worked to ensure thorough and accurate coverage of battles over evolution, climate change, and other science classroom flashpoints. They discuss their own experiences with journalists and media strategy, and share advice and resources to help citizens like you plan for media outreach and be effective spokespeople for science. We discuss how to connect with local reporters, how to plan for an interview, a press conference, or media coverage for other events. Our panel of media experts share their own experiences and work through case studies to help you hone your skills and put them to use yourself. 

The panel includes: Robert Luhn, Director of Communications for NCSE; Liz Craig, a freelance writer and board member with Kansas Citizens for Science, and Erin Heath, associate director of government relations at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Luhn leads NCSE's media outreach efforts, and has been a journalist for 40 years for technology, environmental, and medical publications. Craig led KCFS's media strategy through the 1999 and 2005 battles over creationism before the state board of education and is a freelance writer covering a range of topics. Heath is a former science policy journalist and staffer for scientific and legislative bodies, focused on biomedical policy and the public and civic engagement of scientists and engineers. Moderator Josh Rosenau is a programs and policy director at NCSE.