Science Is Constantly Evolving

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The NCSE office was recently turned into a time traveling scavenger hunt as a way to prototype a new app-based science outreach activity called Geology Park. This activity breaks new ground for NCSE as it’s specifically meant to help adults as well as young people engage with science, and because…
NCSE is seeking to hire a Program Coordinator. The full-time position in Oakland involves working closely with the Director of Teacher Support and the Director of Community Science Education to provide logistical and administrative support for both programs, including ensuring that NCSE is in…
NCSE's climate change lessons for teachers — which not only engage students through evidence-based learning but also inoculate them against misinformation — were discussed in the Los Angeles Times (May 6, 2019). Brad Hoge, NCSE's Director of Teacher Support, told the newspaper that…
The attempt to require the teaching of climate change in Connecticut's public schools by law is apparently over for now.  Initially, House Bill 5011 would have amended the Connecticut General Statutes to require "that the science curriculum of the prescribed courses of study for public…
NCSE Teacher Ambassador Melissa Lau discusses the complexity—and personal satisfaction—of teaching climate change in Oklahoma, where she has lived her entire life.  
A bag of paper bones. That’s what instantly comes to Turtle Haste’s mind when asked to describe a pivotal moment in her long and distinguished career as a science educator. She was a graduate student at Oregon State University, studying with Norman Lederman—“Mr. Inquiry,” Haste calls him—when she…
The National Association of Biology Teachers adopted a new position statement in support of teaching climate change in March 2019. Observing that "[t]he overwhelming preponderance of peer-reviewed studies and the vast majority of climate scientists agree that Earth's atmosphere is warming and…
The Climate Change Education Act is again in the House of Representatives. H.R. 2349, introduced on April 22, 2019 — Earth Day, appropriately — would authorize the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to institute a competitive grant program aimed in part at developing and improving…
Michael E. Mann, a climate scientist at Penn State University, and Michael B. Lubic, a partner at the law firm K&L Gates, joined NCSE's board of directors at its April 13, 2019, meeting. Mann is Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science at Penn State University and director of the…