Science Is Constantly Evolving

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Senate File 3949 (PDF), introduced in the Minnesota Senate on March 4, 2020, would, if enacted, encourage public school districts in the state "to include practical, age-appropriate instruction on climate change in ... kindergarten through grade 12 curriculum," with "starting a school garden or…
Senate Resolution 2626 (PDF) would, if approved, express the support of the Rhode Island Senate for increased environmental and climate education in the state's public schools — and the NCSE/Penn State study of climate change education is cited as evidence of the need for the increase. Virtually…
Senate Concurrent Resolution 58, introduced in the Hawaii Senate on March 3, 2020, would, if adopted, urge the state department of education to "mandate a climate change curriculum in all public schools by no later than school year 2021-2022" and to incorporate such a curriculum in its ten-year…
NCSE’s Breaking Down Barriers program launched a pilot initiative in 2019, called the Museum Collaborative, to provide activity kits to science museums in primarily rural areas. Small rural museums typically have pre-existing capacity in terms of a facility and dedicated staff, but can frequently…
The Clergy Letter Project, originally formed to demonstrate that numerous members of the clergy embrace evolution and regard it as harmonious with their faith, is now also addressing the climate crisis. A new letter from the project entitled "The Climate Crisis: A Clergy Call to Action" recognizes…
Senate Bill 1970, introduced in the New Jersey Senate on February 25, 2020, would, if enacted, require local school districts to include information on climate change in their curricula and to adopt instructional materials that "accurately portray changes in weather and climate patterns over time,…
Senate File 3518, introduced in the Minnesota Senate on February 24, 2020, would, if enacted, require public school districts in the state "to embed climate change education throughout all subject areas, not just in science curriculum" and allocate $1 million yearly to do so. Sponsored by Charles…
Do you have an interesting story about evolution that you’d like to share with the world? Scientists and science educators of all stripes — students, postdocs, faculty, and full- or part-time science communicators — are invited to enter the Ninth Annual Evolution Video Competition, sponsored by the…
Connecticut's House Bill 5215 (PDF), introduced by the Joint Committee on Education on February 20, 2020, would amend the Connecticut General Statutes to require the teaching of climate change in science classes consistent with the Next Generation Science Standards (which Connecticut adopted in…